Elixir of Immortality - Walkthrough

>> Friday, July 16, 2010

Part 1 – The Alchemist

The Dock

Complete the Boat (1) and Hook (2) tasks.

Elixir of Immortality

Find all the items in the list. Key Items: Gas Can, Lantern and Matches.

Elixir of Immortality

Use the Lantern on the Hook, use the Gas Can on the Lantern and use the Matches on the Lantern.

Talk to the Magician, read the Newspaper (1), complete the Suitcase (2) task and the Automatic Lighting System (3) puzzle.

Elixir of Immortality

Find all the items in the list. Key Item: Cane.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Automatic Lighting System for a puzzle. Click the Right Trigger 3 times, click the Left Trigger 8 times. Note: the solution is always the same.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the following link for a video solution.

Note the Lighthouse sign (1) and the Barrel (2); complete the Drain Grating (3) task and the Door puzzle (4).

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Drain Grating, use the Cane on the grating and collect the Lock Pick.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Door; use the Lock Pick for a puzzle. Switch positions 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 5, 4 and 5. Note: the solution is always the same.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the following link for a video solution.

Exit to the Courtyard.


Note the Gargoyle (1), read the Plaque (2), complete the Wall Breach (3) task and the Grating (4) puzzle, note the Outer Courtyard (5) exit.

Elixir of Immortality

Find all the items in the list. Key item: Valve.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Grating for a Puzzle. Note: the solution is always the same; there are other steps than the ones shown in the video solution.

Elixir of Immortality

There are too many steps to list, here; click on the following link for a video solution.


Return to the Dock, click on the Drain Grating, use the Valve on the nut then click the Valve. Return to the Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality


Complete the Fountain (1) and Gargoyle (2) tasks, exit to the Outer Courtyard (3).

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Fountain (1) and find all the items in the list. Key items: Stone Eyeball, Stone Sphere Piece.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Gargoyle, use the Stone Eye on the empty socket (1), collect the Stone Sphere Piece (2), and combine both halves, in your Inventory. Exit to the Outer Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality

Outer Courtyard

Note the Lab (1), pool of Chemical Waste (2) and Storage (3), complete Hole (4) in the wall task and return to the Courtyard (5).

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Hole (4) and find all the items in the list. Key item: Gear Handle.

Elixir of Immortality


Click on the Grating, use the Gear Handle (1), click on it, use the Stone Sphere (2) and exit to the Inner Courtyard (3).

Elixir of Immortality

Inner Courtyard

Note the exit to the Courtyard (1), Safe (2), exit to Castle Entrance (3), exit to Employee Quarters (4), exit to Park Entrance (5), complete the Urn (6) task, return to the Outer Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Urn (6) and find all the items in the list. Key item: Doorbell.

Elixir of Immortality

Outer Courtyard

Click on the Lab (1), use the Doorbell (2), ring the Doorbell button (3), return to Inner Courtyard and enter Park Entrance.

Elixir of Immortality

Park Entrance

Note exit to Inner Courtyard (1), Glass Disk (2) and Statue (3). Complete Wheelbarrow (4) task and return to the Outer Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Wheelbarrow (4) and find all the items in the List. Key item: Pickaxe

Elixir of Immortality

Outer Courtyard

Use Pickaxe on the Wall piece (1), click on Lab, ring Doorbell and enter Lab (2).

Elixir of Immortality


Talk to the Alchemist (1) and receive the Cross Key (2). Return to the Inner Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality

Inner Courtyard

Click on the Safe, use the Cross Key in the Lock (1), collect the Prong (2) and combine it with the Lock Pick.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Employee Quarters; use the Lock Pick on the Lock (2)

Elixir of Immortality

Complete the Lock Pick Puzzle. Switch positions 1 and 3, 1 and 2, 2 and 5, 4 and 6. Note: the solution is always the same.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the following link for a video solution.

Employee Quarters

Read the Mail (1) and Note (2), use Bag on Suitcase Stand (3), click on Closet (4) and enter.

Elixir of Immortality

Place all the clothes in their proper places and return to the Lab. Note: the solution is always the same.

Elixir of Immortality


Read the Note (1), speak to the Alchemist (2), click on the Device (3), speak to the Alchemist again, complete the Shelves (4) task and give both Chemical Flasks (5) to the Alchemist. Return to the Outer Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Shelves (4) and find all the items in the list. Key items: 2 Chemical Flasks.

Elixir of Immortality

Outer Courtyard

Complete the Drain (1) and Storage (2) tasks; enter Storage.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Drain (1) and find all the items in the list. Key item: Lever.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Storage (2), use the Lever on the Lock, click on the Handle and enter the Storage.

Elixir of Immortality


Enter Storage, note the Kerosene (1), complete Shelf (2) and Pneumatic Tube (3) tasks and complete Freezing Chamber Lock puzzle (4).

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Shelf (2) and find all the items in the list. Key items: Gear, Forceps.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Freezer Lock (4) and use the Gear.

Elixir of Immortality

Complete the Lock Puzzle and enter the Freezing Chamber. Note: the solution is always the same.

Elixir of Immortality

There are too many steps to list, here; click on the following link for a video solution.

Freezing Chamber

Note the Damaged Pipe (1), complete the Ice (2) task, the Control Panel (3) puzzle and the Freezer (4) task.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Ice (2) and find all the items in the list. Key items: Blowtorch.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Control Panel (3) and complete the puzzle. Note: the solution is always the same, but yours may start with each ring in a different position. Solution for this example is A: click left side 2 times, B: click right side 2 times, C: click left side 3 times, D: click right side 4 times.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the following link for a video solution

Click on the Freezer (4), use the Blowtorch 5 times, in the areas shown, and click to open the doors.

Elixir of Immortality

Find all the items in the list. Key items: Flask. Return to the Inner Courtyard.

Elixir of Immortality

Inner Courtyard

Click on Urn and find all the items in the list. Key items: Bottle. Enter Employee Quarters.

Elixir of Immortality

Employee Quarters

Read Mail (1) and complete Shelf (2) task.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the Shelf (2) and find all the items in the list. Key items: Matches. Return to the Storage.

Elixir of Immortality


Combine the Bottle and Funnel, use on the Kerosene, click the Valve and collect the Bottle of Kerosene. Return to the Lab

Elixir of Immortality


Use the Kerosene, Matches and Flask on the Alchemist. Return to the Courtyard


Click on the Fountain and find all the items in the list. Key items: 6 Bullets. Return to the Dock

Elixir of Immortality

Park Entrance

Click on the Wheelbarrow and find all the items in the list. Key items: Hammer and Chisel. Return to the Dock.

Elixir of Immortality


Click on the Boat and Find all the items in the list. Key items: Revolver Cylinder.

Elixir of Immortality

Use the Hammer and Chisel (1) on the Barrel, collect the Revolver (2) and combine the Revolver with the Bullet Cylinder. Return to the Lab.

Elixir of Immortality


Read Mail (1), complete Bullet Slug task (2), Chemistry puzzle (3), Shelf task (4), collect Mailing Tube (5) and complete Mailing task (6).

Elixir of Immortality

Click on Bullet Hole (2), use the Forceps and collect Silver Bullet.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on Chemistry Set (3), complete the puzzle and receive the Chemical. Note: the solution is always the same.

Elixir of Immortality

Click on the following link for a video solution

Click on the Shelf (4) and find all the items in the list. Key items: Tube. Collect Mailing Tube (5), Combine Container Tube and Chemical, then Full Tube and Mailing Tube.

Elixir of Immortality

Use Chemical Mailing Tube (a) on Pneumatic Mailing System (6) and click Lever (b) to send. Read new Mail (1) and receive Winding Handle. Return to the Park Entrance.

Elixir of Immortality

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