Settlement: Colossus - Walkthrough
>> Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Goal: Establish the settlement and provide basic necessities for the people. Resource Cost Task Food Wood Reed Clay Notes #1: Care for People Collect 10 units of berries Establish food supply Collect 10 units of wood Establish wood supply Knowledge Upgrade: Braiding 5 15 #2: Reed Collect 30 units of Reed #3: Mushrooms Upgrade Basket 30 Basket of Plenty: +2 units Collect 15 units of mushrooms Takes 2 days Golden Scissors +2 Reed Secondary: Poison Mushrooms Book of Mushrooms: +2 Mushrooms Research Clay 15 10 1 day Secondary: Repair Bridge 1 day #4: Build Clay Houses 15 75 5 days Total 5 30 55 75 Daily cost to visit resource sites: Food -10, Wood -10 Task 1: Care for the People Click on the Tasks tab for information about the first task. There are two elements associated with this task: collecting ten units of berries for food and ten units of firewood for warmth. Note: The use of Units in the tasks to collect berries, brushwood and reed is inconsistent with the rest of the game. For both the berries and the brushwood in this task and the reeds in the next task, the game counts the amount supplied as a unit. For the rest of the game, a unit is one of what you are collecting. Here is what happens with this task using berries as the illustration: Be sure and collect ten clumps of berries and ten pieces of brush at their specified locations. If you collect only the minimum amount to meet the requirement for these two tasks (four berries, two brush) the resource areas will be closed and you will be unable to continue the game. Close the tab to return to the map. There is only one resource area available, by the lake, and its icon indicates it only contains berries. Click as indicated to enter the resource area. Berries are in abundant supply but you can only collect a maximum of ten items at a time. Each berry cluster counts as one unit and increases the food supply by three. By collecting 10 units of berries, the total food supply is increased to 30. You can leave a resource area without collecting the maximum amount allowed, but the best strategy is to stockpile as much as possible of each resource for later use. Click OK to return to the map. The Forest resource area is now available and the icon indicates it contains brushwood. Click on the twig icon to collect the firewood. Each piece (unit) of brushwood increases the wood supply by five. Collect the maximum amount allowed (10 units). Click OK to return to the map. Note that the Food and Wood resource tabs at the top now reflect what you have collected. The number in parenthesis indicates the units of the resource needed for visits to resource areas. You have completed the first task. Click in the center of the fire ring to access the information section. This tab shows what activities must be done to progress. Currently only one task (undimmed in a rotating circle) can be done to upgrade the living conditions of the people. The dimmed upgrades cannot be made yet. These upgrades are dependent upon other upgrades being completed as they may require the use of a particular resource or knowledge not currently available. Click on the highlighted Braiding icon. The Upgrade box shows what and how much of each resource is required. It also shows what you currently have. Since you have sufficient resources for this upgrade, click Research. The Basket icon is now illuminated in a rotating circle. Clicking on the Basket tells you that the knowledge of braiding can be used on a new resource: reeds. Click OK. Collecting a sufficient number of reeds will allow you to create a basket artifact enabling another new food resource, mushrooms, to be collected. You do not have a sufficient number of reeds collected to make this upgrade so click Cancel to close the popup box. Click OK to return to the village. When you returned to the map, the units needed to research braiding briefly showed by the fire ring. The amounts of food and firewood have decreased by the amounts needed to research braiding. Click the Tasks bar to see the next task. Primary Task 2: Reed Goal: Collect 30 units of Reed Note: The confusion of units and supply is the same for this task as it was for the berries and wood. The goal is to increase the supply of reeds by 30 in order to construct baskets. This is the last time this mistake is made A different icon appears above the forester’s hut showing berries, brushwood and reeds can be found there. Click the icon The location of the items on your screen may not match the above screen shot. The same resource locations are used throughout the game, but the location of the items and the views of the locations changes. Each reed (one unit) collected increases the supply of reeds by five. There are two options here: (1) Collect just enough reeds (6) to complete the goal of making the basket and a combination of berries and brush for the other 4 units. (2) Collect 10 units of reed (+50 Reed) and no berries or wood. Referring to the table of resources at the beginning of the chapter, note that a supply of 55 reeds will be needed. The current supply of food and wood are sufficient, so begin stockpiling the reeds. Choose option two and collect only reeds. This completes the second task. Primary Task 3: Collect Mushrooms Your new primary task is to research baskets then collect 15 units of mushrooms. Click the fire ring to go to the Development tab to research baskets. Click the Basket icon in the rotating circle. The upgrade of gathering equipment requires 30 reeds, which you have already collected. Click Research. Receive Returning to the settlement, note that the Lake location now has reeds and mushrooms available. The glowing scissors indicate an artifact is also available at this location: Golden Scissors Collect the three parts of the Golden Scissors (shown in pink). The scissors increase the efficiency of collecting Reed. Each reed now provides two more units of that resource. The game is now correct regarding units versus supply for the task requirements. Only 8 of the 15 units of mushrooms are available so fill the remaining 4 units with reeds. When you have collected all of a resource available at a location (i.e. the mushrooms) the icon representing this resource is eliminated at the top of the screen. The Results show the Reed collection at the normal rate of 5 per reed plus the extra amount per reed (+2) earned by using the Golden Scissors Artifact. On the Development tab, click the Clay icon. There are now sufficient resources to upgrade the building materials. The sundial icon shows this will take one day to complete. In the above example the upgrade will consume all the Wood resource, leaving you with a zero balance. In this chapter the game will let your people go hungry or cold and allow you to continue playing. Later chapters will force you to replenish your supplies when they are getting low before you can continue fulfilling an objective. Click Research. Return to the forest to collect the remaining units of mushrooms. There is a new red mushroom icon at the top of the screen. This represents a secondary task of getting rid of all six of the poisonous mushrooms. There are two at this location (circled in green above). Clicking on the red mushrooms does not count toward your 12 item collection limit. Collect the remaining 7 units of mushrooms (circled in aqua) to complete the current primary task. Collect the 4 units of wood available (circled in pink) to replenish that resource. There is still one unit available in the basket so gather one unit of berries. This completes primary task three. Primary Task 4: Clay Houses The clay resource is now available. Whenever there is a building to construct, a small hammer will appear next to the area. Placing your cursor over this hammer will show what resources are needed to complete construction. The Development tab is still needed to check how many days are needed to complete the task. To upgrade the houses, 75 units of clay and 55 units of reed are needed. Some units of reed are already available. Return to the forest to begin collecting resources. Remove the two red mushrooms (circled in green) Collect Returning to the map, there is a secondary task: repair the bridge Click on the exclamation point above the man’s head to begin the mini game Span1. Solution: For each span, begin from the left and place the piece numbered 1. Interlock the remaining pieces in the order indicated. Match the horizontal bars on the planks as shown in each solution. Span 2 Span 3 Enter the cavern and collect the 12 units of clay Go to the forest to obtain the remaining amount of reed, wood and berries. The last two red mushrooms are here. Collect them and receive the Book of Mushrooms artifact. Return to the map. Click on the small hammer by the fire ring and click research to complete the upgrade of the houses.Chapter 1: Primitive Age
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